Autumn's puppies 2017

Autumn had her ultrasound and she is pregnant. It doesn't tell us how many.
This is a pic of one of her puppies. You can see the head on the right and a foot on the left.
Click on the pic and you can see a video of the puppies. They are in different positions but you can make out the head and body. In some you just see the back. In one you can see the head moving from side to dide. In the last one you can see the puppy lying on it;s back with a paw in the air. The extra movement is Autumn breathing!.
Autumn tummy!!
Swift and Autumn waiting!! Click on pic to see puppies moving. You can see her breathing but you can see other movements.
Click on pic to see video.
Autumn waiting!!! Click on pic and you see the puppies moving.
Click on pic to see video.
Autumn had her puppies on May 20th. She has 5 boys and 4 girls!! All are doing well. It is crowded at the milk bar!!
Autumn day 4. The boys are marked with blue and the girls with pink.
Autumn day 4. Click on pic to see video.
d 4
Autumn d 6.
Autumn d 6.
Autumn d 6. Click on pic to see video.
d8. Click on pic to see video.
d8. Click on pic to see video.
d5. My granddaughters- Ana and Molly loving a puppy.
d10 Click on pic to see video.
d10 Click on pic to see video.
d 12. Eyes not quite open.
d 13
d13. We can see!!!!
d13. We can see!!!!
d13. We can see!!!!
d13. We're getting bigger!!
d19. They can hear and have found their voices!!!! They are exploring a new play area.
d19. Click on pic to see video.
d19. They are starting to play with each other. Click on pic to see video.
Swift's watching Autumn's! Click on pic to see video.
d25. First meal!!!! They need to learn some manners!!
d25. First meal!!!! Click on pic to see video.
d25. First meal!!!! They need to learn some manners!!
It was so crowded I gave them 2 dishes!! Click on pic to see video.
Both litters having a snuggle!! 9 in this pile!
5 in this pile.
June13. Playtime! Click on pic to see video.
June13. Playtime! Click on pic to see video.
June13. Mealtime! Click on pic to see video.
Full tummies!!! Just fell asleep!!
June14. First day outside! They ran all over the place!! Click on pic to see video.
June14. First day outside! They ran all over the place!! Click on pic to see video.
Starting to explore!! Clic on pic to see video.
Starting to explore!! Clic on pic to see video.
Starting to explore!! Clic on pic to see video.
Starting to explore!! Clic on pic to see video.
June 27. Both litters outside. Click on pic to see video.
June 27. Both litters outside. Click on pic to see video.
June 27. Both litters outside. Click on pic to see video.
June 27. Both litters outside. Click on pic to see video.
June 27. Both litters outside. Click on pic to see video.
June 27. Both litters outside. Click on pic to see video.
June 27. Both litters outside. Click on pic to see video.